Whenever I’m working on a NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo project, I like to post daily updates to Tumblr, not really because I expect anyone to comment (or care), but mostly so I can keep myself on track. But the updates have been going something like this:
Day 7: Didn’t write as much as I wanted to.
Day 8: Heard about the tragedy in Dallas. Was too sickened and sad to write.
Day 9: First day of vacation, so I should get more writing done this week.
In other words, nothing’s getting done! I think it’s mostly because I haven’t had enough room in my head lately for the characters to move around, and I haven’t had the time or inclination to actually sit down and think about worldbuilding. So… I’m going to try very hard to actually write something this week when I have more time. I think writing will actually happen because I’ll feel awkward proclaiming everywhere that “I’m going to write,” then not actually writing.
How’s Camp going for you?