It’s a little weird. My Camp NaNoWriMo word count goal was 35,000 and although this goal is lower than 50k word count goals in the past, I couldn’t keep up. I kept falling behind until I finally decided that I should give up and write the story another time. I gave up for three reasons: (1) my day job, (2) my other work in progress, XIII, always manages to take over my life, and (3) I didn’t want to rush through the first draft of another story. The good part is that I have 12,249 words of this new story that I might be able to work with in the future… that’s the good part about NaNo, it’ll get you at least something on the paper even if you didn’t finish.
These days, my writing focus is on XIII and I feel as though I couldn’t let another story “take over” my imagination until XIII is finished. I realized that I don’t like writing at a frenzied, hurried pace unless I’m so wrapped up in the story that I’m afraid I’ll forget things if I don’t scribble them down. I would rather take my time and think about the content before trying to adhere to a certain word count, at least with the story I had attempted. Certain genres of stories, like thrillers, might lend themselves better to the rush of a 30-day writing period. But if you’re writing an epic fantasy or a literary novel, I think it’d be best to slow down and feel the story out first.
I feel better after giving up. I don’t feel as rushed now, and I’m glad that I’ll be spending the time on XIII instead — trying to get that exactly right because it’s my first priority.
Anyway, I hope you all are doing better at Camp than I am!